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If you have any pictures of youself or people you know wearing the Italian National Tartan kilts, dresses, caps, ties scarves, trousers or using other  Clan Italia products, please email them to with a brief description and share them with us on the website.

The best submissions will win a prize - details to be announced shortly.


Here are the first of the pictures that we have received



Lynsey and Elio say thank you in a very special way

Massimilliano Ercolessi on visit to Scotland

Massimilliano Ercolessi stands proud in his Italian National kilt

New York entrepeneur Bart McDade at an evening do resplendant in Italian National Tartan tie

Beautiful Kelly McDermott wearing an Italian National Tartan scarf at the Stout event in New York

MC and entertainer Keith King from England sitting astride a Harley Davidson motorcycle, dressed in the Italian National Tartan
Somebody thought statue of Scotland's world reknowned poet Robert Burns needed an Italian National Tartan cap to keep its head warm

A statue's a statue for a that - complete with tartan hat

Keith King in Clan Italia mode, wearing his Italian National kilt complete with sword and shield

Clan Italia warrior

Keith King hogs it up in Italian National style

Michael de Robbio dressed in the Italian National Tartan at his wedding in Australia with his son Fraser and father also wearing the tartan
Lionel du Plessis from Calvados in France pictured outside chalet wearing the Italian National kilt

Lionel du Plessis in France

Michael de Robbio with father and son in Australia

website design by The Real Mackay

CLAN ITALIA Ltd, 16 Booth Place, Falkirk FK1 1BA

Telephone 00 44 (0)1324 636316

Mobile 00 44 (0)7903 133875


Sales enquiries - please email